Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Survey of Sorts

I'm not feeling good today. I think I have whatever D has/had. I'm the same grey color that D has been for days. With the same awful fever! I think it is the stomach flu or something like that. I won't give you all the awful details, but it is bad! I couldn't sleep last night because of this fever. So I got up and went to sit outside. Yes, I did! All bundled up in blankets, and drinking 7UP.

So folks, I am not really going to blog today. More like answer a survey thing that my friend sent me. Then I am going to go curl up on the couch...and sleep. Because D is off to work. And I don't feel well. I hope that we get home relatively early.



1. I love.​.​.​sleeping outside, on a rainy night.
2. Right now I feel better. No, really I am tired of being sick!
3. I feel like...a truck just ran me over. Then left me to die in the middle of the desert...with no water!
4. I hate it when...the night is not long enough and the morning comes to soon.
5. I fear...that I won't ever find my niche in the world.
6. I'm lonely without.​.​.​D. Enough said.
7. I feel better.
8. Today I...will sleep until D is ready to go home.
9. Tomorrow I'm...going to the doctor. It is so annoying. But it is something I have to do.
10. I just...need to figure out which way I am going in life.
11. I want to 10 years from now.
12. I'm hungry for...absolutely nothing at all!
13. I love it when...I wake up feeling like the pressure has been lifted, even for just 5 minutes.
14. I'm afraid of...the future. It seems a little scary. But I am ready for it.
15. I'm listening to...the TV. The Klondike commercial is on.
16. I'm wearing.​.​.​pajamas and long socks.
17. I wish I was bed at home.
18. I'm craving.​.​.​a tall glass of 7UP. It seems to be the only thing working today.
19. I want to get...a new sewing machine or computer. Either would make me really happy!
20. I can...make it. I really can!
21. I can' it all alone. Even if I think I can. Even if I say I can.
22. I have...the love of my man to help me out.
23. I haven't...talked to my friends back home in forever!
24. I'm nervous to...decide on my future when it comes to school and work.
25. My Mom thinks I'm...never going to have kids.
26. My Dad thinks I'm...a rock that never crumbles. He is wrong.
27. I is pretty good right now. Considering my health and the current state of his career.
28. I'm happy when...I'm in D's arms and the world is a million miles away.
29. I'm sad when...I can't be at D's side.
30. I like eating...fruit and ice cream.
31. I hate eating...liver and onions.
32. I love performances. Be it musical concerts or stage plays.
33. I love listening to...songs that invoke my soul.
34. I like playing...pretend. With D, life sometimes feels like we are playing pretend when I was 35. I have my price charming and our own castle.
36. I hate waking up to...loud noises. They make me wake up too fast and forget the small details of my amazing dreams.
37. I can see...a fork in my road. And I need to start making decisions now.
38. I'm glad that...I found D.
39. I'm disappointed siblings and I aren't closer.
40. I look like...death becomes her. Really I do!
41. I wish I looked like...Sam from GH. She is gorgeous!

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