Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good Change of Pace

Today was a good day. Well, at least so far. I had a good workout earlier. The kind that leaves you weak at the end. Where you know that tomorrow you are going to be moving slowly. But I enjoy the soreness after a good workout. It makes me feel like I really did something good. I also feel more energetic! There is something about a good workout that leaves you feeling good. I think it is because of all the sweating you do.

I am also trying to prepare for a party that I am hosting late next week. I can't buy a whole lot of the stuff right now. Because I am flying out to the location where the party will be. And I just can't see myself flying with a bunch of luggage, filled with wedding type decor and gifts. Until then, I am writing out a detailed list of things I need to buy. But I have been making some items for the party. The individual things that make these type of parties so special. I have also been making some bags for the girls. I want to fill them with some fun gifts and things to remember our "Girls' Day."

And I've been planning out the menu. It is going to be a day long, type of pre-wedding day, "Girls' Day." So I am thinking lots of different kinds of finger foods. I haven't decided if I am going to make a bunch of Tapas or just the regular party finger foods. I kind of want to talk to my friend before I make my decision. I would prefer Tapas, but it about the Bride, not me! I am really excited about everything though. It will be a good time for all of us.

Today I am also planning on going through my closet to see if I can get rid of anything around here. We have so much stuff! And I really do need to get rid of some of it. I have a basket of makeup that I really don't use. Some of my friends will really like that. I am also going through my closet to see what clothes I don't really use. I am thinking about donating a bunch of my old bridesmaids' dresses. Some of them are really cute. Like for a young girl going to a school dance. Because as gorgeous as they are, I will never wear them again. My friends have good taste, they are not your "typical" bridesmaids' dresses.

So, I am really busy. But it is the good kind of busy. The kind that makes me feel accomplished when I have finished everything. I need to pack for this weekend and next. Thank goodness we have some help. Because we also have lots of shopping that needs to be done. How can we already be out of shampoo again? And food? But we will get it all done!



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